Arrange service programmes
Arrange service programmes
Depending on whether you have a formal funeral service or informal memorial service, you can make your service program as simple or elaborate as you want. It can be one page or be an entire booklet.
In general, service programmes contain a combination of the following elements:
- Cover photo (could be a photo of the deceased or another photo)
- Service information (date, time, venue, name of pastor/officiant)
- Order of proceedings (this is normally done in consultation with the family, church and funeral director to make sure the order of events is appropriate and would include the names of people giving the eulogies and the songs that are to be sung)
- Written obituary (gives information about the person, details of their life and could include names of surviving family members)
- Lyrics of the songs to be sung so everyone can sing along (you can ask the funeral director to guide you on popular song choices or pick something unique to the deceased)
- Photographs (this can be a collage of the deceased and his/her family or images you know might hold meaning for those gathered on the day)
- Acknowledgements and thank yous.
Pick a format that suits your needs and your budget.