Arrange live streaming for those who cannot be at the funeral

Arrange live streaming for those who cannot be at the funeral

More and more funeral homes are offering a live streaming service to their clients, often at no additional cost. The COVID-19 pandemic has also entrenched this as an option many did not consider before. Depending on the package you choose it can cost between R2,000 and R15,000. It is a safe way for families to connect with each other and has the added benefit of being able to accommodate friends and family who are far away or cannot be physically present on the day of the burial.
If you do choose this service, make sure to co-ordinate this with the funeral director who might have to ask speakers and important people to stand in a specific place or be aware of the camera. The live streaming ensures privacy as only the invitees will receive the link to the livestream. The recording can be edited afterwards to send to family and friends as a digital keepsake.

* Costs are estimate figures for planning purposes only